Contact Us

Links For Life

Natalie Doyle, Registered Psychologist

30 Wittenoom Rd,

Bunbury, WA 6230

Mob: 0402 039 836

Fax: 08 9746 2008

All telephone calls and emails are treated with confidentiality. If we are unable to take your call, please leave a message with the best times and numbers to contact you on, and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Help Your Child Avoid Christmas Greed Syndrome

Six ways to eliminate the gift binge Many parents live for the sight of sheer joy written on their …

Australia has a once-in-a-generation chance to tackle mental illness

Source: Matt Sanders Two recent reports investigating the mental health and wellbeing of Australians suggest …

TED: Martin Seligman on Positive Psychology

Martin Seligman talks about psychology — as a field of study and as it works one-on-one with each patient and each practitioner. …