Tag: Memory

How to improve your memory?

It has been believed for centuries that as we grow older, our brain functions continue to deteriorate, which also impacts and weakens our memory. However, recent medical research and experiments have proven that our brain has the ability to grow new neurons, even as we age, a process known scientifically as neuroplasticity. The mental health of a person depends vastly on how active the person is – physically and mentally. If you keep forgetting things too quickly, or have noticed a sharp decline in your mental health in terms of memory recently, it is time to make some really important changes in your lifestyle to help sharpen and improve your memory.

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Help Your Child Avoid Christmas Greed Syndrome

Six ways to eliminate the gift binge Source:Psychologytoday.com Many parents live for the sight of sheer joy written on their …

Australia has a once-in-a-generation chance to tackle mental illness

Source: www.smh.com.au Matt Sanders Two recent reports investigating the mental health and wellbeing of Australians suggest …

TED: Martin Seligman on Positive Psychology

Martin Seligman talks about psychology — as a field of study and as it works one-on-one with each patient and each practitioner. …